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What the children at Pilgrims will be doing over the summer term

Posted on 13th of May 2024

As the summer term begins here at Pilgrims, our Headteacher, Mrs Webster, explains what each year group will be getting up to this term.

Fresh from the Easter break, we have lots planned for the summer term – from preparing for main school to discovering creatures, exciting residential trips and more.

Pre School

It is amazing how quickly this year is flying by.

The children are all now in their final term of Pre School before they join ‘Big School’ in September. To aid your child during this transition period, you can support them by having an open dialogue about the exciting experiences to come and how they will be helped by the adults around them.

You may wish to help them build their independence, from putting their shoes away as they arrive home or setting the table for dinner, to writing their own name or tying their shoelaces.

Perhaps they could think about a game they could play with new friends or questions they might like to ask the new adults they will meet. All these skills build their self-confidence and growth mindset ready for the new challenges to come.

The children have lots of other exciting topics planned for their last term. From learning about jungle animals and discovering about bees on World Bee Day, to finding out about the different oceans and places all around the world, there are lots of fun activities planned.


It has been great to welcome back the children and to see them full of enthusiasm for our new topic ‘Wild and Wonderful’.

We have begun our new topic by creating mind maps to show what we would like to find out about various creatures.

The children have been lucky enough to have some of their questions answered by Chris from Animal Encounters. When he visited, he brought so many interesting species for the children to meet.

Also, the children will also be getting creative this term by constructing animals using kits or recyclable materials.

We can’t wait to see what the children create!

Year 1

This term’s topic for the children in Year 1 is ‘Stick Together Whatever the Weather’.

The children will be spending lots of time outdoors this term. We will be venturing into the local area, participating in forest school sessions and exploring the school pond – we can’t wait to see what we will discover.

Over the half term, you might like to visit some of the country parks in Bedford or plant some bulbs and watch them flourish.

Year 2

Year 2 are set for an exciting start to the summer term, with a three-day residential trip to Hindleap Warren.

On the trip they’ll experience lots of thrilling outdoor adventure activities and take part in teambuilding tasks like den building – as well as jumping into muddy pools.

These fun and engaging activities will help Year 2 build their communication, physical skills and mental agility while learning about different team dynamics and leadership styles.

We can’t wait to hear all about it and to share the photographic evidence with you all!


We have lots of new things to learn and fun activities taking place this term. We can’t wait!