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Instilling a lifelong love of music at Pilgrims

Posted on 25th of February 2025

At Pilgrims, we know that music can enhance children’s learning, development and growth, as well as offering other benefits that extend beyond the classroom such as improving cultural awareness.

Here Mrs Knight, Head of Music, explains how we work towards instilling a lifelong love of music throughout the school with our diverse range of musical opportunities available to the children.

Opportunities within our school curriculum

At Pilgrims we have a dedicated music space filled with a wide variety of tuned and untuned percussion instruments. Our large music room gives the children space to express themselves during their music lessons, while our other two rooms, one next door which is sound-proofed, and the separate music pod provide pupils with the opportunity to focus on their individual learning during 1:1 sessions.

We know that taking part in music can help the children to improve their teamwork, build their sense of community and be a source of enjoyment.

We believe it is important for music to be a part of the school curriculum as not only can it be an emotional release for children, but all children can join in with something. Whether that be playing, singing, clapping or moving, pupils of any age or musical ability can participate.

Relating to the core curriculum, participating in musical activities can help children with learning to read or phrase sentences and gives them an alternative, enjoyable way to enhance these skills in school.

Music is incorporated into our curriculum from Little Pilgrims, where children may only be three months old, all the way through to the Year 2 Pupils.

Mrs Bagnall visits the Pre School children once a week to teach them music, while Mrs Knight teaches Reception to Year two children, all having one hour of music lessons per week.

During these sessions the children are taught to read rhythmic notation so they can begin to understand the length of a note, as well as incorporating all the other important elements of music including pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre and texture.

Year 2 pupils are introduced to musical notation which communicates the pitch of a note as well as the duration. They learn this using tuned percussion instruments such as glockenspiels.

Singing assembly provides a whole school opportunity to sing together once a week, covering songs all about our school values – curiosity, kindness and respect.

Musician of the Month

Each month we have a “Musician of the Month” which could be a famous musician known for any genre of music, from classical to pop and rock and originating from any country around the world. They could also be a singer, a band or play an instrument.

We tie in the musicians selected with school topics and the seasons of the year. For example, while Year 1’s topic for spring term is Africa, an African musician is selected and in the lead up to Easter, a musician who has Easter themed music will be selected.

We play songs from the “Musician of the Month” while the Main School children are on their way into and out of our Singing Assemblies which are held each Friday.

In addition, external musicians are invited into the school to showcase different and more unusual instruments and genres of music. We have previously had a beatboxer visit the school and more recently, a bassoon quartet.

We also invite pupils from the other Harpur Trust schools to perform for the Pilgrims children. These pupils also participate in a showcase each June where they talk with the children about the instruments they play and the different sounds they can make. The pupils visiting from the other Harpur Trust schools are often pupils who attended Pilgrims when they were younger, so it is wonderful to see their musical journey continue and progress through school.

Inviting external musicians gives the children the opportunity to see and learn about instruments and musical techniques that they might not otherwise be introduced to. These visits expand their knowledge and shows the diverse range of opportunities available to the children through music.

Extra-curricular opportunities

Children in Years 1 and 2 have the opportunity to take part in 1:1 lessons to learn specific musical instruments or to sing. Instrument options we offer at Pilgrims include violin, cello, viola, piano, guitar, ukulele and drums.

These lessons are taught by external staff that come in to assist Pilgrims and increase the range of musical opportunities we can offer. Our musical teaching staff includes Mrs Bagnall (string instruments, piano and singing), Mrs Gibson (cello and piano), Mrs Leigh (cello and piano), Mrs Lesley Green (singing), Mrs James (violin and piano), Mr Milligan (guitar and ukulele) and Mr Fisher (drums).

Mrs Bagnall and Mrs Gibson also teach a string ensemble which can include from three to 12 children participating. Our orchestra currently has 14 children while our choir has a group of 38 children singing together, led by Mrs Knight.

Our pupils have the opportunity to participate in local community events such as the Bedfordshire Festival and Proms in the Park, as well as performing for our local community at Christmas, singing at the park cafe and spreading joy to residents in local care homes. These opportunities allow the children to showcase their talents and build confidence in performing.

All of our musical teaching at Pilgrims is underpinned with rhythm and listening skills and can involve singing, playing instruments, movement and even composing, but always at the heart of it is enjoyment.

If you or someone you know has a background in music or plays an unusual instrument and would like to visit the children to inspire their love of music, please email Mrs Knight at: a.knight@pilgrims-school.org.uk with further information about what you can teach our children.