fbpx Results - Pilgrims Pre-Preparatory School, Bedford


Pilgrims provides an enriched setting filled with adventures and challenges to enhance the learning experience for all our pupils.

With our team of dedicated and highly qualified staff, the delivery of a creative curriculum and purpose-built facilities, Pilgrims aims to engage and inspire children to unearth their individual interests and talents throughout their learning journey.

We endeavour to support every child to achieve their best as we stimulate the children’s curiosity, imagination and creativity as they develop into confident and independent thinkers.

We are proud of everything our little people have achieved and continue to achieve at Pilgrims, as we aspire to encourage every child to flourish.

2022/2023 academic year

EARLY YEARS (end of Reception aged 5 years)

Learning and development covers the seven key areas of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).  These are made up of three prime areas and four specific areas. The prime areas, highlighted below, are considered to be the ‘building blocks’ of successful learning in the other four specific areas:

  1. personal, social and emotional development
  2. communication and language
  3. physical development
  4. literacy
  5. mathematics
  6. understanding the world
  7. expressive arts and design

Pilgrims hope that all children will achieve a Good Level of Development (GLD) by the time they leave Reception. A GLD focuses on attainment not progress and, looks at all three prime areas, which are particularly crucial for inspiring children’s sense of curiosity and their enthusiasm for learning, along with their ability to form successful, positive relationship together with Literacy and Numeracy.


Percentage of children attaining expected                   Good Level of Development (GLD)
in all 7 areas of learning

Key stage one: year 1 and year 2

Percentage of children at Pilgrims, achieving national expected levels or above:

Year 1 (aged 5-6)

83% in maths                   83% in reading                   76% in writing

Year 2 (aged 6-7)

92% in maths                   96% in reading                   92% in writing

National outcomes at the end of key stage one

70% in maths                   68% in reading                   60% in writing


Pilgrims Standardised Assessment outcomes

Year 1: end of May 2023

56% achieve ‘above average’ or ‘very high’ in maths                   61% achieve ‘above average’ or ‘very high’ in literacy

National levels for maths and literacy – 23%



Year 2: end of January 2023

70% achieve ‘above average’ or ‘very high’ in maths                   68% achieve ‘above average’ or ‘very high’ in literacy

National levels for maths and literacy – 23%


Life After Pilgrims

Harpur Trust Assessment Results: 2023/24

In the January of Year 2, children sit an Entrance Assessment for their chosen Harpur Trust Prep or Junior School.  These assessments are carried out at Pilgrims and the results are shared with the relevant school(s) the children have been registered for.  Some parents choose to register their child for a place in Year 3 at more than one Harpur Trust school.  If this is the case, the children at Pilgrims will only be required to sit one entrance assessment.

Below are the outcomes for the assessments carried out in January 2024

58 children sat for a place at one of the other Harpur Trust Schools

55 children received at least one offer of a place (95% of cohort)

Harpur Trust school offers (includes double sitters):

20 girls offered a place at Bedford Girls School
25 boys offered a place at Bedford Prep School
35 girls and boys offered a place Bedford Modern School

1 family relocated / 1 child did not sit