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Let them be curious be inspired be little learn

Our Ethos

 A School Designed for little people

At Pilgrims Pre-Preparatory School our ethos is simple. Little people start learning from birth, and we take every opportunity to nurture that inherent curiosity and creativity to provide the best possible educational start for each and every child in our care. From the superb design of our buildings to the inspiring way we teach, our attention is centered on letting children be children while helping them to flourish.

our Ethos LEARN ABOUT OUR JOURNEY    Headteacher’s Welcome

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What the children at Pilgrims will be doing over the summer term The role of outdoor play in cognitive development for Early Years The power of reading together View all
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MAIN SCHOOL 2024/25 admissions

Limited spaces are available in Reception and Year 1 from September 2024.  If you are interested in arranging a visit, please contact admissions@pilgrims-school.org.uk.  Admissions into Little Pilgrims 24/25 (under 2s) have now closed and places within Kindergarten and Pre School 24/25 remain extremely limited.  However, parents can, of course, contact Admissions via the link above to find out more.