fbpx Headteacher's Welcome - Pilgrims Pre-Preparatory School, Bedford

Headteacher’s Welcome

So many memories are created during our time at school.

As a child I remember dressing the dolls in the Pre School home-corner, building castles in the sand pit and baking bread to go with the butter we made from a jar of cream. When I moved to ‘big school’, I remember the excitement of wearing school uniform for the first time and always pulling up my socks. I remember the sense of achievement when I finally understood how to tell the time. I remember lunchtimes, looking forward to the yummy puddings and chatting with friends around the table before going out to play. As a teacher at Pilgrims, I remember putting on my wellies before setting off with the children on a forest school adventure through the willow tunnel, then stopping to hunt for worms in the mud kitchen. I remember going on school trips, visiting a castle to find dragon eggs and going to the zoo and being scared by a tarantula. Above all I remember how proud I was when I became the Head.

I want the children at Pilgrims to also have happy memories of their time at school. I want each day to be filled with adventures, challenges and achievements and for each child to be given opportunities to develop their confidence, curiosity and a passion for learning.

I hope you enjoy visiting our website. We particularly love sharing our wonderful photographs with you and we hope they give you an insight into life at Pilgrims School.

I look forward to meeting you.

Mrs Jo Webster